Yo so a while ago i"m on Facebook looking through my friends list doing something a bored Facebook addict does and I come across a good friend's Facebook artist fan page his name is
Duke. (sidebar he has a blog 2 you can check him out at
http://www.singduke.blogspot.com/) He is a Singer and song writer and he is dope too. Now I'm on his artist page and im going through his songs and his stuff is really good then I get down to a track that I was reluctant to click on and listen to... the joint was called "Amillion Girls(Amilli R&B remix) now if you know me you know im not one for anything that is even a tiny bit cliche (which is part of the reason i was reluctant to start a blog) MANNN by the end of the summer I was all A Millied out....oh every body had a effin Amillie "Remix"! not to mention Lil Wayne's actual song was in heavy and I do mean HEAVY rotation on the radio and in the clubs(and still is).......but im going off on tangents now.....lolol the point is I clicked and listened and MANNNN that joint was sooooo poppin its probably the most original and creative rendition of Amillie I've ever heard....nah I take that back it is definately the most orginal and creative rendition of Amillie I've ever heard from the way the beat is flipped to the way my boy is riding it(pause)........but my dude
Duke FINALLY! shot me ova a mp3 version of the song so i could stop streaming it off Facebook lolol.....good looks my dude.........below i posted a link for you all to listen to it 2 and or download it if you want.....let me know and let
Duke know what u think about the joint.
Duke- Amillion Girls(Amillie R&B Remix)
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