Now us guys.....(for the most part) we tend to compartmentalize our lives into small boxes (like Waffles) and focus only on one box at a time. This is when we are thinking, talking, working we are focused on that one thing at that very moment........We have a bunch a different boxes.....a box for Sports, box for academics, box for money, Box for finances, box for women, box for sex, and some boxes are just empty........Some of you may be wondering "whats going on in the empty box?" and my reply is very simple....NOTHING NOT A DAMN THING.....lololol....yes ladies we have some boxes with absolutely nothing in them..... think about a time you've asked a guy........."what are you thinking about?".......Man oh man is that question is a BLOWER....because that's when we men panic......Because honestly who is gonna believe that we are actually thinking about nothing....now we guys go into a panic because we have to move to another box to think about something to tell her that we are thinking about......but it usually doesn't work.....and our reply is...."Nothin".........and your reply to that is......."Nothing?......you have to be thinking about something".......smh.....now this can turn into an argument.......ladies we think one box at a time......so try to keep that in mind when dealing with us please.........

Women’s lives, on the other hand, are like cooked spaghetti on a plate. The pieces are intertwined, women are naturally multi taskers....... Women are like spaghetti in the since that virtually every thought that they have is connected to another thought......Like I can remember many time speaking to my mom, sister, or a female friend......and they start off talking about one issue and by the end of the conversation they have given me their opinions nearly 50 different subjects.....relationships, politics, their job, kids, what they are doing tomorrow, what they don't like about me, why they don't like my friends, and etc...in a 2min conversation that started of with a simple..."how was you day?".....being that I think in boxes that stuff is hard to keep up with.......that's why a lot of time you will just find a guy just nodding his heading and making comments like.."really?"...."I understand"....."I'm sorry"......or "fareal? that's crazy".........like fellas have you ever gotten in an argument with your girlfriend? .....it will start off with her telling you...."you go out to much"......and then she'll run off on tangents...bring up something that happened like a month ago like when you didn't compliment her new hairstyle....then move on to you getting a better job....and somehow it will get to how you don't cook for her.....and slowly move to her not liking you mom because when she seen her in the grocery store last week she acted like she didn't want to speak...and then how your family is "funny actin" and how you are just like them....smh......
lololol both of these styles of thinking have their pros and cons.....but the more aware and understanding we are of these things the easier it will be for us men and women to coexist on a daily basis..........
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