WON'T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!! (copywrite Micheal Jackson)

listening to music by beachblasian757.

Now I'm sure I'm not the only one that enjoys just being left alone sometime but here is something that really pisses me off........I'm walking, or sitting somewhere, or possibly in the gym working out.......and I have my Zune(Mp3 player of choice) on with ear buds in listening to music........and for some odd reason someone still decides that it is appropriate to come up to me and try to have a conversation with me....... I could see if i only have one ear bud in so I have the option to listen to what is going on around me....but IF I HAVE BOTH EAR BUDS IN! and I just happened to look zoned out or I'm nodding my head.....or SH*T! even I just have both Head fones on....DO not i repeat DO NOT try to carry on a conversation with me.....Unless of course you feel it is that Vital that you speak to me for whatever reason that may be....... if not.....just wave, Smile, give me a head nod......BECAUSE I CAN'T HEAR YOU and...................I DON'T REALLY CARE TO HEAR YOU!.......OMGoodness and lets not get started on the BUMS and Junkies, , DON'T ASK ME TO TURN MY MUSIC DOWN SO YOU ASK ME FOR MONEY.......(and there are bums and junkies online because 've seen them on many computers and many local public libraries)......just a lil public service announcement from Mark Myuse........