Posted by
Mark Myuse
11:23 PM

So its February and everyone knows what that means..................VALENTINES DAY!.............okay by all means Guyz and Galz go out and go crazy(go broke) on your candy all of the above........I'm just here to let you all know it will not be me........I haven't Celebrated Valentines day in a very long time....and NO ladies and gents its not because i'm bitter its not because i've been hurt and it hasn't been because I just didnt have a Valentine....and by no means am I a Love Hater(copywrite Andre 3k)............I just feels like to much pressure and focus is put on this one day of the year.....Like... can one day really make or break your relationship?(well it prolly can depending on who you are but it shouldnt if its real)........I dont need one assigned day to spoil and shower my significant other or my object of interest with gifts, affection, compliments, candy, and other forms of appreciation.....STUFF LIKE THAT SHOULD BE ON MY OWN MERIT.....because I want to do it.....not because some Mr. St. Valentine says I should do it on a certain day.........Guys and Women....I feel like it should be your job and your duty to make "valentines" day everyday for you woman or your take that what you want 2 do....this is just they way i don't have to follow me.........But really tho all Valentines day is to me is a silly day made up people to go out and spend cash because they feel like the have to.....and I aint with it.....SORRY
in case anyone questioned your seriousness about the matter, the ACTUAL heart and DEAD CUPID sealed the deal for me lol
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