Now to tell the truth I have always known dudes that lie about who they have had sex with.....ever since middle school...but honestly I never really came in contact with women lying about who they have had sex with until I got a lil older and experienced...... I mean I've always known Women that Lie and say they didn't have sex with guy....(i will get into this later) but to lie and say you did have sex with a guy?!! when you didn't..... I'm sorry I just don't get it..........
But anyways I just thought it would be interesting bring 2 people on a show....... One person that has been telling people they have been having sex with the other and the other denying it the whole time....let them both plead there case and give them a lie detector test and find out who is lying....lolol that would be hilarious...... it would get even more interesting if there was a homosexual guy up there that claimed to have sex with heterosexual male....lololololol or the same thing with women....... anyways this was just a random thought from the Mind of Myuse......
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